4.3. Hedge accounting

IFRS 9 increases the range of items that can be designated as hedged items, as well as allows designating as a hedging instrument financial assets or liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss. The obligation of retrospective measurement of hedge effectiveness together with the previously applicable threshold of 80%-125% were eliminated (the condition to the application of hedge accounting is the economic relationship between the hedging instrument and the hedged item). In addition, the scope of required disclosures regarding risk management strategies, cash flows arising from hedging transactions and the impact of hedge accounting on the financial statements were extended.

Due to the fact that the standard is still being worked on to introduce amendments relating to accounting for macro hedges, entities have a choice of applying hedge accounting provisions: they can either continue to apply IAS 39 or apply the new IFRS 9 standard with the exception of fair value macro hedges relating to interest rate risk.

Having completed an analysis of risks and benefits associated with adopting the hedge accounting solutions introduced in IFRS 9, the Group decided to continue to apply IAS 39 with respect to hedge accounting and to continue the hedging relationships.

Annual report

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