60. Credit risk – financial information


Exposure to credit risk

The table below presents the maximum exposure for credit risk – balance sheet financial instruments for which the impairment requirements do not apply:

Annual report

Maximum exposure to credit risk – balance sheet financial instruments not subject to impairment requirements 31.12.2018 01.01.2018
Hedging derivatives 658 887
Other derivative instruments 1 907 1 699
Securities: 3 083 5 121
held for trading 235 431
not held for trading, measured at fair value through profit or loss 2 848 4 690
Loans and advances to customers not held for trading, measured at fair value through profit or loss 1 106 1 070
housing 27 37
business 148 182
consumer 931 851
Total 6 754 8 777

Maximum exposure to credit risk – balance sheet financial instruments not subject to impairment requirements 31.12.2017
Hedging derivatives 887
Other derivative instruments 1 711
Securities: 8 588
held for trading 431
financial instruments designated at fair value through profit or loss upon initial recognition 8 157
Total 11 186

Past due financial assets subject to impairment or impaired

Exposures past due as at 31.12.2018 Assets with no significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition (stage 1) Assets with a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition, but not credit-impaired (stage 2) Credit-impaired assets (stage 3) TOTAL EXPOSURES PAST DUE
up to 30 days 30 to 90 days over 90 days TOTAL up to 30 days 30 to 90 days over 90 days TOTAL up to 30 days 30 to 90 days over 90 days TOTAL
Loans and advances to customers: 2 155 2 155 1 966 1 149 8 3 123 205 273 2 244 2 722 8 000
loans 989 989 1 062 726 8 1 796 160 174 2 114 2 448 5 233
housing 392 392 742 168 910 62 75 429 566 1 868
business 303 303 146 467 8 621 62 60 1 346 1 468 2 392
consumer 294 294 174 91 265 36 39 339 414 973
finance lease receivables 1 166 1 166 904 423 1 327 45 99 130 274 2 767
Other financial assets
Total, net 2 155 2 155 1 966 1 149 8 3 123 205 273 2 244 2 722 8 000

Exposures past due
up to 30 days 30 to 90 days over 90 days TOTAL
Debt securities: 3 3
corporate bonds (in foreign currencies) 3 3
Amounts due from banks 1 1
Loans and advances to customers: 4 541 976 2 765 8 282
loans 2 762 606 2 639 6 007
housing 1 222 320 596 2 138
business 1 066 153 1 555 2 774
consumer 474 133 488 1 095
finance lease receivables 1 779 370 126 2 275
Other financial assets 1 1 2
Total, net 4 542 976 2 770 8 288

The Group takes into account PLN 500 of matured for credit exposures to individuals and PLN 3 000 of matured other credit exposures to specify whether a loan is overdue.

Loans and advances to customers were secured by the following collateral established for the PKO Bank Polski SA Group: mortgages, registered pledges, transfer of ownership, restrictions on a deposit account, insurance of the credit exposure, as well as guarantees and sureties.

In the evaluation performed, it was found that in respect of the above financial assets, the expected cash flows fully cover the carrying amount of these exposures.


The table below presents information on financial assets which were modified and for which the write-down on expected credit losses is calculated as the credit loss during the term of the exposure (Phases 2 and 3).

Financial assets subject to modification 31.12.2018
Financial assets subject to modification during the period: Stage 2 Stage 3
measurement at amortized cost before modification 350 349
gain/loss on modification (7)
Financial assets subject to modification since initial recognition: 31.12.2018
gross carrying amount of financial assets subject to modification for which expected losses were calculated over the lifetime and which are classified as Stage 1 after modification 103

Receivables written off during the debt recovery periods

The table below presents the outstanding amounts to be repaid from financial assets, which were written off during the reporting period and which are still the subject of debt recovery activities.

Receivables written off 2018
Partly written off Wholly written off
measured at fair value through OCI 3
Loans and advances to customers
measured at amortized cost 1 980 1 217
housing 515 527
business 1 154 500
consumer 311 190
finance lease receivables 14
Total 1 983 1 231

The Group adopted the following criteria for writing down receivables:

  1. the receivable has fully matured and is in particular the consequence of a loan, advance, contractual overdraft, guarantee or warranty of loan, advance or bond repayment,
  2. in accordance with IAS and IFRS the allowance for expected loan losses:
    1. covers 100% of the gross carrying amount of the asset; or
    2. exceeds 90% of the gross carrying amount of the asset, and:
      1. actions have been or still are taken in respect of the receivable which did not lead to its recovery, and the assessment of the probability of recovering the receivable which in particular accounts for the determinations of the bailiff or the receiver, transferability of collateral, category of satisfaction, mortgage register item indicate inability to recover the whole receivable; or
      2.  during the last 12 calendar months amounts paid towards the repayment of the receivable did not cover the interest accrued on a current basis.

Quality of the portfolio covered by the trading model for commercial, housing and consumer loans

Exposure credit risk by PD
Carrying amount, gross
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 POCI TOTAL
HOUSING LOANS 106 561 5 960 2 154 106 114 781
0,00 – 0,02% 7 729 15 7 744
0,02 – 0,07% 28 309 66 28 375
0,07 – 0,11% 13 546 52 1 13 599
0,11 – 0,18% 16 717 145 16 862
0,18 – 0,45% 22 513 321 5 22 839
0,45 – 1,78% 10 969 568 9 11 546
1,78 – 99,99% 2 442 4 773 19 7 234
100% 2 154 72 2 226
without internal rating1 4 336 20 4 356
BUSINESS LOANS (including finance lease receivables) 64 115 8 422 6 846 513 79 896
0,00 – 0,45% 7 515 1 7 516
0,45 – 0,90% 8 694 58 8 752
0,90 – 1,78% 7 709 95 7 804
1,78 – 3,55% 10 978 785 11 763
3,55 – 7,07% 20 671 2 252 18 22 941
7,07 – 14,07% 7 714 2 156 1 9 871
14,07 – 99,99% 545 2 898 3 3 446
100% 491 491
without internal rating1 289 177 6 846 7 312
CONSUMER LOANS 23 664 1 786 1 776 55 27 281
0,00 – 0,45% 4 012 25 4 037
0,45 – 0,90% 6 864 48 6 912
0,90 – 1,78% 5 827 64 5 891
1,78 – 3,55% 3 742 178 3 920
3,55 – 7,07% 1 537 293 1 830
7,07 – 14,07% 871 340 1 211
14,07 – 99,99% 302 746 1 048
100% 1 776 55 1 831
without internal rating1 509 92 601
Total 194 340 16 168 10 776 674 221 958

1 This item refers to the low credit risk exposures of Housing Communities and Cooperatives.

Exposure to credit risk by PD


Carrying amount, gross
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 POCI TOTAL
HOUSING LOANS 100 206 5 016 3 483 133 108 838
0,00 – 0,02% 7 360 8 7 368
0,02 – 0,07% 26 143 40 26 183
0,07 – 0,11% 12 668 30 12 698
0,11 – 0,18% 15 829 46 2 15 877
0,18 – 0,45% 21 622 134 6 21 762
0,45 – 1,78% 9 867 288 9 10 164
1,78 – 99,99% 2 590 4 443 26 7 059
100% 3 483 90 3 573
without internal rating 1 4 127 27 4 154
BUSINESS LOANS (including finance lease receivables) 57 792 8 206 8 488 161 74 647
0,00 – 0,45% 7 194 2 7 196
0,45 – 0,90% 7 045 52 7 097
0,90 – 1,78% 6 262 26 6 288
1,78 – 3,55% 9 368 535 9 903
3,55 – 7,07% 18 749 1 866 20 615
7,07 – 14,07% 7 946 2 114 10 060
14,07 – 99,99% 866 3 366 4 232
100% 8 488 161 8 649
without internal rating 1 362 245 607
CONSUMER LOANS 21 661 1 608 2 322 69 25 660
0,00 – 0,45% 3 923 10 3 933
0,45 – 0,90% 6 183 17 6 200
0,90 – 1,78% 5 210 31 5 241
1,78 – 3,55% 3 316 84 3 400
3,55 – 7,07% 1 401 237 1 638
7,07 – 14,07% 778 295 1 073
14,07 – 99,99% 316 655 971
100% 2 322 69 2 391
without internal rating 1 534 279 813
Total 179 659 14 830 14 293 363 209 145

1 This item refers to the low credit risk exposures of Housing Communities and Cooperatives.

Distribution of the portfolio encompassed by the rating model for off-balance sheet liabilities

Exposure credit risk by PD
Carrying amount, gross
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 POCI TOTAL
0,00 – 0,45% 11 636 21 11 657
0,45 – 0,90% 11 214 28 11 242
0,90 – 1,78% 7 307 69 7 376
1,78 – 3,55% 6 838 711 7 549
3,55 – 7,07% 3 422 489 3 911
7,07 – 14,07% 4 510 718 5 228
14,07 – 99,99% 195 113 308
100% 260 80 340
without internal rating 1 11 090 1 111 12 201
Total 56 212 3 260 260 80 59 812

1This item refers to the low credit risk exposures of the State Treasury.

Exposure to credit risk by PD
Carrying amount, gross
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 POCI TOTAL
0,00 – 0,45% 10 643 22 10 665
0,45 – 0,90% 9 054 20 9 074
0,90 – 1,78% 7 092 10 7 102
1,78 – 3,55% 8 225 74 8 299
3,55 – 7,07% 4 510 164 4 674
7,07 – 14,07% 3 190 214 3 404
14,07 – 99,99% 650 52 702
100% 706 706
without internal rating 1 8 868 1 117 9 985
Total 52 232 1 673 706 54 611

1 This item refers to the low credit risk exposures of the State Treasury.

31.12.2018 Carrying amount, gross
Amounts due from banks Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage3 POCI TOTAL
AAA 985 985
AA 2 651 2 651
A 3 263 3 263
BBB 638 638
BB 10 10
B 101 101
CCC 1 1
0,06% 4 4
0,97% 9 9
TOTAL 7 662 7 662

31.12.2018 Carrying amount, gross
Debt securities Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 POCI TOTAL
EXTERNAL RATINGS 50 619 50 619
AAA 207 207
AA 91 91
A 45 902 45 902
BBB 3 829 3 829
BB 73 73
B 517 517
INTERNAL RATINGS 9 489 447 3 471 10 410
0,00-0,45% 7 670 7 670
0,45-0,90% 908 367 1 275
0,90-1,78% 221 16 237
1,78-3,55% 125 125
3,55-7,07% 315 315
7,07-14,07% 250 250
14,07-99,99% 64 64
100,00% 3 471 474
without internal rating 38 38
TOTAL 60 146 447 3 471 61 067

01.01.2018 Carrying amount, gross
Amounts due from banks Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 POCI TOTAL
AAA 7 7
AA 1 030 1 030
A 2 340 2 340
BBB 585 585
BB 21 21
B 4 4
CCC 79 79
0,01% 60 60
0,02% 9 9
0,06% 1 014 1 014
0,20% 33 33
0,97% 51 51
TOTAL 5 233 5 233

01.01.2018 Carrying amount, gross
Debt securities Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 POCI TOTAL
EXTERNAL RATINGS 44 809 44 809
AAA 130 130
A 40 199 40 199
BBB 3 445 3 445
BB 599 599
B 436 436
INTERNAL RATINGS 8 137 473 8 610
0,00-0,45% 6 214 6 214
0,45-0,90% 752 752
0,90-1,78% 385 385
1,78-3,55% 198 198
3,55-7,07% 23 23
7,07-14,07% 420 420
14,07-99,99% 145 145
100,00% 473 473
without internal rating 13 13
TOTAL 52 959 473 53 432

Impaired exposures include balance sheet credit exposures that satisfy the premises of impairment, except for those for which the differences that were found during the measurement of impairment using the individualized method between the gross carrying amount (or the balance sheet equivalent of its off-balance sheet part) and the value of the expected cash flows cash are immaterial (do not exceed the level explained by the potential error of expert estimates).

Internal ratings (data for 2017 according to IAS 39)

Taking into account the nature of the Group’s operations and the volume of credit and lease receivables, the most important portfolios are the ones managed by the Bank and PKO Leasing SA.

Exposures to corporate customers which are not individually impaired are classified according to customer rating as part of the internal rating classes, from A to G (in respect of financial institutions from A to F).

The following portfolios are covered by the rating system:

  • corporate market customers;
  • firms and enterprises (excluding certain product groups assessed in a simplified manner).

Loans and advances which are not individually impaired and are not rated, are characterized with a satisfactory level of credit risk. This applies in particular to retail loans (including housing loans) which do not have individually significant exposures and therefore do not give rise to significant credit risk.

Financial assets not impaired, not past due 31.12.2017
Loans and advances to customers 196 406
business loans 50 584
A (first rate) 875
B (very good) 5 616
C (good) 9 575
D (satisfactory) 9 236
E (average) 11 205
F (acceptable) 10 541
G (poor) 3 536
consumer and housing loans 119 712
A (first rate) 105 780
B (very good) 8 976
C (good) 3 054
D (average) 1 216
E (acceptable) 686
PKO Leasing SA Group 4 851
A (good) 3 281
B (average) 1 365
C (risky) 205
without an internal rating – customers from the financial, non-financial and public sectors (consumer loans, housing loans and other) 21 259
Available-for-sale debt securities 5 147
A (first rate) 55
B (very good) 409
C (good) 1 061
D (satisfactory) 1 589
E (average) 1 131
F (acceptable) 795
G (poor) 74
G3 (low) 33
TOTAL 201 553

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