15. Gain/(loss) on allowance for credit losses

Accounting policies

The accounting principles regarding the recognition of net impairment allowances for expected credit losses and provisions for financial liabilities and guarantees granted are broken down by item in the individual notes below. The net allowances consist of impairment allowances for expected credit losses and provisions set up and released.

Annual report

Financial information

Net credit losses 2018 2017
Equity securities (11)
available for sale (11)
Debt securities (10) (13)
available for sale (13)
measured at fair value through other comprehensive income
measured at amortized cost (10)
Loans and advances to customers (1 292) (1 504)
measured at amortized cost (1 292) (1 511)
housing (165) (166)
business (512) (772)
consumer (562) (499)
finance lease receivables (53) (74)
debt securities (corporate) 5
debt securities (municipal) 2
Other financial assets (1) 3
Provisions for financial liabilities and guarantees granted (70) (20)
Total (1 373) (1 545)

Accumulated allowances for credit losses and impairment allowances (balance)

31.12.2018 01.01.2018 31.12.2017
Amounts due from banks 1
measured at amortized cost 1
Equity securities 77
available for sale 77
Debt securities 36 29 249
available for sale 249
measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 10 15
measured at amortized cost 26 14
Loans and advances to customers 8 204 10 653 7 823
measured at amortized cost 8 204 10 653 7 823
Provisions for financial liabilities and guarantees granted 227 157 86
Other financial assets 97 100 100
Total 8 565 10 939 8 335

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