53. Financial assets and financial liabilities not presented at fair value in the consolidated statement of financial position


The Group holds financial assets and financial liabilities which are not presented at fair value in the statement of financial position.

For many financial instruments, the market values are unattainable hence the presented fair values are estimated with the use of a range of measurement techniques. The fair value of financial instruments was measured using a model based on estimating the present value of future cash flows by discounting them using appropriate discount rates.

Annual report

All model calculations include certain simplifications and are therefore sensitive to those assumptions. A summary of the major methods and assumptions used when estimating the fair values of financial instruments not measured at fair value is presented below.

For certain categories of financial instruments, it has been assumed that their carrying amount approximately equals their fair values, which is due to the lack of expected material differences between their carrying amount and fair value resulting from the features of these categories (such as short term nature, high correlation with market parameters, the unique nature of the instrument).


This applies to the following groups of financial instruments:

  • loans and advances to customers: a part of the housing loan portfolio (the “old” housing loan portfolio), loans with no specific repayment schedule, loans due as at the moment of valuation;
  • amounts due to customers, liabilities with no specific repayment schedule, other specific products for which no active market exists;
  • interbank deposits and placements with maturities of up to 7 days or bearing variable interest;
  • variable interest loans or advances granted and received on the interbank market (with interest rate changes occurring every 3 months or less);
  • cash and balances with the Central Bank and amounts due to the Central Bank;
  • other financial assets and financial liabilities.

For non-impaired loans and advances to customers, the model based on estimating the present value of future cash flows by discounting cash flows using current interest rates is applied. The model takes into account the credit risk margin and adjusted maturities stemming from the loan agreements.  The current level of margins was determined for transactions concluded in the last quarter ending on the balance sheet date involving instruments with a similar credit risk profile. The current margin for loans in PLN adjusted for the cost of foreign currency acquisition in basis-swap transactions was applied to loans in foreign currencies. Valuation excludes the risk of the effect of the proposed potential systemic solutions which could result in the Group incurring losses on the portfolio of mortgage loans in CHF. For impaired loans, it is assumed that the fair values are equal to carrying amounts.

For deposits and other amounts due to customers other than banks with fixed maturities, the fair value was estimated based on expected cash flows discounted using the current interest rates appropriate for individual deposit products. The fair value is calculated for each deposit and each of the liabilities, and then the fair values for the entire deposit portfolio are grouped by product type and by customer segment. For demand deposits, it is assumed that their fair value equals the carrying value.

The fair value of the Group’s subordinated liabilities was estimated based on the expected cash flows discounted based on the yield curve.

The fair value of a liability in respect of debt securities issued by PKO Bank Polski SA was estimated based on the expected cash flows discounted using the current interbank market rates.

The fair value of a liability in respect of securities issued by PKO Finance AB was estimated based on Bloomberg quotations.

The fair value of interbank placements and deposits was estimated based on expected cash flows discounted using the current interbank market rates.

Finance lease receivables were estimated based on the expected cash flows discounted using the internal rate of return for lease transactions of the same type concluded by the Group during the period directly preceding the end of the reporting period.

Nevel of fair value hierarchy Valuation method carrying
Cash and balances with the Central Bank n/a at amounts due 22 925 22 925
Amounts due from banks 7 661 7 661
measured at amortized cost 2 discounted cash flows 7 661 7 661
Securities 8 473 8 476
measured at amortized cost 3 discounted cash flows 8 473 8 476
debt securities (Treasury bonds) 1 market quotations 2 358 2 361
debt securities (corporate) 3 discounted cash flows 2 108 2 108
debt securities (municipal) 3 discounted cash flows 4 007 4 007
Loans and advances to customers 213 806 213 438
measured at amortized cost 3 discounted cash flows 213 806 213 438
housing loans 3 discounted cash flows 112 770 111 761
business loans 3 discounted cash flows 60 918 61 294
consumer loans 3 discounted cash flows 25 570 25 820
receivables in respect of repurchase agreements 2 discounted cash flows 51 51
finance lease receivables 3 discounted cash flows 14 497 14 512
Other financial assets 3 at amount due less impairment allowance 2 825 2 825
Amounts due to the Central Bank 2 at amounts due 7 7
Amounts due to banks 2 001 2 001
measured at amortized cost 2 discounted cash flows 2 001 2 001
Amounts due to customers 242 816 242 753
measured at amortized cost 3 discounted cash flows 242 816 242 753
amounts due to retail customers 3 discounted cash flows 165 182 165 120
amounts due to business entities 3 discounted cash flows 55 302 55 301
amounts due to public entities 3 discounted cash flows 16 459 16 459
loans and advances received 3 discounted cash flows 4 093 4 093
Liabilities in respect of insurance products 2 discounted cash flows 1 780 1 780
Debt securities in issue 28 627 28 725
measured at amortized cost 1, 2 market quotations/discounted cash flows 28 627 28 725
Subordinated liabilities 2 731 2 731
measured at amortized cost 2 discounted cash flows 2 731 2 731
Other financial liabilities 3 at amounts due 2 364 2 364

Level of fair value hierarchy Valuation method Carrying
Cash and balances with the Central Bank n/a at amounts due 17 810 17 810
Amounts due from banks 2 discounted cash flows 5 233 5 233
Loans and advances to customers 205 629 203 256
housing loans 3 discounted cash flows 106 191 101 998
business loans 3 discounted cash flows 56 792 56 761
consumer loans 3 discounted cash flows 24 590 26 407
debt securities discounted cash flows 4 368 4 368
debt securities (corporate) 3 discounted cash flows 1 855 1 855
debt securities (municipal) 3 discounted cash flows 2 513 2 513
receivables in respect of repurchase agreements 2 discounted cash flows 902 902
finance lease receivables 3 discounted cash flows 12 786 12 820
Investment securities held to maturity 1 discounted cash flows 1 812 1 816
Other financial assets 3 at amount due less impairment allowance 2 377 2 377
Amounts due to the Central Bank 2 at amounts due 6 6
Amounts due to other banks 2 discounted cash flows 4 558 4 558
Amounts due to customers 218 800 218 735
to corporate entities 3 discounted cash flows 52 667 52 666
to public entities 3 discounted cash flows 11 409 11 409
to retail customers 3 discounted cash flows 151 161 151 097
loans and advances received 3 discounted cash flows 3 563 3 563
Debt securities in issue 1, 2 market quotations/discounted cash flows 23 932 24 226
Subordinated liabilities 2 discounted cash flows 1 720 1 720
Other financial liabilities 3 at amounts due 4 129 4 129

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