Consolidated income statement

Annual report

Note 2018 2017
Interest and similar income 9 11 594 10 919
Interest income recognized under the effective interest rate method 11 121
interest income on financial instruments measured at amortized cost 9 986
interest income on instruments measured at fair value through other comprehensive income 1 135
Income similar to interest income on instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss 473
Interest expenses and similar charges 9 (2 241) (2 313)
Net interest income 9 353 8 606
Fee and commission income 10 4 042 3 918
Fee and commission expense 10 (1 029) (949)
Net fee and commission income/(expense) 3 013 2 969
Dividend income 11 12 12
Net gain/(loss) on financial instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss 12 28 8
Gain/(loss) on investment securities 46
Net foreign exchange gains/(losses) 13 489 452
Gains/(losses) on derecognition of financial instruments not measured at fair value through profit or loss 14 135
measured at fair value through OCI 131
measured at amortized cost 4
Net credit losses 15 (1 373) (1 545)
Impairment of non-financial assets 16 (78) (72)
Other operating income 17 630 733
Other operating expenses 17 (313) (266)
Net other operating income and expense 317 467
Administrative expenses 18 (5 905) (5 784)
Tax on certain financial institutions 19 (950) (932)
Operating profit/(loss) 5 041 4 227
Shares in profits (losses) of associates
and joint ventures
37 22
Profit before tax 5 078 4 249
Income tax expense 20 (1 336) (1 140)
Net profit (including non-controlling shareholders) 3 742 3 109
Profit (loss) attributable to non-controlling shareholders 1 5
Net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent company 3 741 3 104
Earnings per share 21
– basic earnings per share for the period (PLN) 2,99 2,48
– diluted earnings per share for the period (PLN) 2,99 2,48
Weighted average number of ordinary shares during the period (in million) 1 250 1 250
Weighted average diluted number of ordinary shares during the period
(in million)
1 250 1 250

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